1 繰り返しのない1元配置分散分析

dat <- read.csv("data/data_ch5-1.csv", header = TRUE)
Student class score
S001 A 76
S002 A 54
S003 A 62
S004 A 46
S005 A 53
S006 A 64
## 'data.frame':    87 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Student: chr  "S001" "S002" "S003" "S004" ...
##  $ class  : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
##  $ score  : int  76 54 62 46 53 64 42 96 87 92 ...
##  A  B  C 
## 29 29 29

2 等分散の検定

## Warning in leveneTest.default(dat$score, dat$class, center = mean): dat$class
## coerced to factor.
Df F value Pr(>F)
group 2 0.8338617 0.4379319
84 NA NA


3 箱ひげ図と蜂群図

par(family = "HiraKakuProN-W3") #日本語フォントの指定

4 anovakun by井関龍太


#(dat[,-1])#被験者間計画のデータ形式 As
## [ As-Type Design ]
## This output was generated by anovakun 4.8.5 under R version 4.2.2.
## It was executed on Wed Jun 28 13:37:23 2023.
## ----------------------------
##   A   n     Mean     S.D. 
## ----------------------------
##  a1  29  60.7931  21.4715 
##  a2  29  64.0690  20.3977 
##  a3  29  74.1034  16.7040 
## ----------------------------
## << ANOVA TABLE >>
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##  Source         SS  df        MS  F-ratio  p-value      eta^2 
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##       A  2789.6782   2 1394.8391   3.6195   0.0311 *   0.0793 
##   Error 32371.3103  84  385.3727                              
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##   Total 35160.9885  86  408.8487                              
##                     +p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001
## == Holm's Sequentially Rejective Bonferroni Procedure ==
## == The factor < A > is analysed as independent means. == 
## == Alpha level is 0.05. == 
## ----------------------------
##   A   n     Mean     S.D. 
## ----------------------------
##  a1  29  60.7931  21.4715 
##  a2  29  64.0690  20.3977 
##  a3  29  74.1034  16.7040 
## ----------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------
##   Pair      Diff  t-value  df       p   adj.p            
## -----------------------------------------------------------
##  a1-a3  -13.3103   2.5819  84  0.0116  0.0347  a1 < a3 * 
##  a2-a3  -10.0345   1.9464  84  0.0549  0.1099  a2 = a3   
##  a1-a2   -3.2759   0.6354  84  0.5269  0.5269  a1 = a2   
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## output is over --------------------///

eta^2 は相関比(correlation ratio). 順序がないカテゴリカルデータと連続データの「相関」が相関比である。 統計ER.

#anovakun(データ, “要因計画の型”, 各要因の水準数,…)
#被験者内計画のデータ形式 sA

5 繰り返しのある2元配置分散分析

5.1 ファイルの読み込み

dat.2 <- read.csv("data/data_ch5-2.csv", header = TRUE)
student class pre post delayed
S001 A 31 48 30
S002 A 39 51 44
S003 A 56 67 58
S004 A 47 44 50
S005 A 29 33 47
S006 A 37 41 43
##  A  B 
## 30 30

5.2 二元配置分散分析

anovakun(dat.2[, -1], "AsB", 2, 3, auto = TRUE, holm = TRUE, eta = TRUE)
## [ AsB-Type Design ]
## This output was generated by anovakun 4.8.5 under R version 4.2.2.
## It was executed on Wed Jun 28 13:37:24 2023.
## --------------------------------
##   A   B   n     Mean     S.D. 
## --------------------------------
##  a1  b1  30  37.7333   9.4465 
##  a1  b2  30  49.5667  11.0068 
##  a1  b3  30  45.6333  10.3340 
##  a2  b1  30  38.3667  10.5813 
##  a2  b2  30  40.1333  12.0279 
##  a2  b3  30  40.5000  11.3068 
## --------------------------------
## == Mendoza's Multisample Sphericity Test and Epsilons ==
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Effect  Lambda  approx.Chi  df      p         LB     GG     HF     CM 
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
##       B  0.0007     14.1756   5 0.0145 *   0.5000 0.9994 1.0350 1.0314 
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                               LB = lower.bound, GG = Greenhouse-Geisser
##                              HF = Huynh-Feldt-Lecoutre, CM = Chi-Muller
## << ANOVA TABLE >>
## == Adjusted by Greenhouse-Geisser's Epsilon for Suggested Violation ==
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
##    Source         SS     df       MS  F-ratio  p-value      eta^2 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
##         A   970.6889      1 970.6889   3.3048   0.0742 +   0.0412 
##     s x A 17035.9556     58 293.7234                              
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
##         B  1491.7444      2 746.3374  26.1221   0.0000 *** 0.0633 
##     A x B   765.4111      2 382.9442  13.4032   0.0000 *** 0.0325 
## s x A x B  3312.1778 115.93  28.5711                              
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
##     Total 23575.9778    179 131.7094                              
##                         +p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001
## == Holm's Sequentially Rejective Bonferroni Procedure ==
## == The factor < B > is analysed as dependent means. == 
## == Alpha level is 0.05. == 
## ----------------------------
##   B   n     Mean     S.D. 
## ----------------------------
##  b1  60  38.0500   9.9497 
##  b2  60  44.8500  12.3807 
##  b3  60  43.0667  11.0467 
## ----------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------
##   Pair     Diff  t-value  df       p   adj.p            
## ----------------------------------------------------------
##  b1-b2  -6.8000   7.0112  58  0.0000  0.0000  b1 < b2 * 
##  b1-b3  -5.0167   5.1767  58  0.0000  0.0000  b1 < b3 * 
##  b2-b3   1.7833   1.8056  58  0.0762  0.0762  b2 = b3   
## ----------------------------------------------------------
## Warning in sprintf("%s", paste0("< SIMPLE EFFECTS for \"", part.info1, "\"
## INTERACTION >"), : one argument not used by format '%s'
## Warning in is.na(charmatch("Error", parttab$source.col)) && !is.na(partepsi):
## 'length(x) = 20 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
##   Effect  Lambda  approx.Chi  df      p         LB     GG     HF     CM 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  B at a1  0.0145      8.1778   2 0.0168 *   0.5000 0.7979 0.8370 0.8255 
##  B at a2  0.0475      5.8830   2 0.0528 +   0.5000 0.8407 0.8866 0.8744 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                LB = lower.bound, GG = Greenhouse-Geisser
##                               HF = Huynh-Feldt-Lecoutre, CM = Chi-Muller
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Source        SS    df        MS  F-ratio  p-value      eta^2 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##     A at b1    6.0167     1    6.0167   0.0598   0.8077 ns  0.0010 
##    Er at b1 5834.8333    58  100.6006                              
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##     A at b2 1334.8167     1 1334.8167  10.0429   0.0024 **  0.1476 
##    Er at b2 7708.8333    58  132.9109                              
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##     A at b3  395.2667     1  395.2667   3.3692   0.0716 +   0.0549 
##    Er at b3 6804.4667    58  117.3184                              
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##     B at a1 2179.0889   1.6 1365.5040  39.1960   0.0000 *** 0.1915 
## s x B at a1 1612.2444 46.28   34.8378                              
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##     B at a2   78.0667  1.68   46.4302   1.3318   0.2706 ns  0.0070 
## s x B at a2 1699.9333 48.76   34.8633                              
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##                          +p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001
## < MULTIPLE COMPARISON for "B at a1" >
## == Holm's Sequentially Rejective Bonferroni Procedure ==
## == The factor < B at a1 > is analysed as dependent means. == 
## == Alpha level is 0.05. == 
## -----------------------------------------------------------
##   Pair      Diff  t-value  df       p   adj.p            
## -----------------------------------------------------------
##  b1-b2  -11.8333   8.6553  29  0.0000  0.0000  b1 < b2 * 
##  b1-b3   -7.9000   7.7556  29  0.0000  0.0000  b1 < b3 * 
##  b2-b3    3.9333   2.4150  29  0.0223  0.0223  b2 > b3 * 
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## output is over --------------------///

5.3 スタック形式に変更

x <- stack(dat.2[, 3 : 5])
values ind
31 pre
39 pre
56 pre
47 pre
29 pre
37 pre
# データフレームの作成
y <- data.frame(dat.2$class, x)
dat.2.class values ind
A 31 pre
A 39 pre
A 56 pre
A 47 pre
A 29 pre
A 37 pre
# 因子の型に変更
y$dat.2.class <- factor(y$dat.2.class)
# 水準の順序を指定
y$ind <- factor(y$ind, levels = c("pre", "post", "delayed"))
# データフレームの列名を変更
names(y) <- c("class", "score", "test")
# 交互作用確認プロット
interaction.plot(y$test, y$class, y$score, type = "b", pch = c(1, 2), xlab = "Test", ylab = "Score", trace.label = "Class")

res <- aov(score ~ class+test)
##              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
## class         1    971   970.7   8.092 0.00497 **
## test          2   1492   745.9   6.218 0.00246 **
## Residuals   176  21114   120.0                   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
ff <- summary(res)[[1]]["F value"][1,]#F値の取り出し
## [1] 0.8764142
alpha(dat.2[, 3:5])
## Number of categories should be increased  in order to count frequencies.
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = dat.2[, 3:5])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean sd median_r
##       0.89      0.89    0.85      0.73 8.1 0.025   42 10     0.72
##     95% confidence boundaries 
##          lower alpha upper
## Feldt     0.83  0.89  0.93
## Duhachek  0.84  0.89  0.93
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##         raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## pre          0.87      0.88    0.78      0.78 7.0    0.032    NA  0.78
## post         0.83      0.83    0.72      0.72 5.0    0.043    NA  0.72
## delayed      0.81      0.82    0.69      0.69 4.5    0.047    NA  0.69
##  Item statistics 
##          n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## pre     60  0.87  0.89  0.79   0.75   38  9.9
## post    60  0.92  0.91  0.85   0.80   45 12.4
## delayed 60  0.92  0.92  0.86   0.81   43 11.0

``` #被験者間は2水準、被験者内は3水準 # スタック形式に変更 #https://yaginogogo.hatenablog.jp/entry/2016/04/22/011327